Every aspect of the earth changes with the flow of time. Some of them have adverse effects and some of them have positives. Similarly, the continuous development of technology with the flow of time has created several huge changes that have now become the major parts of daily lives. Technology developing today is more advance and sustainable than ever. Different types of technologies play many different roles. One of them is Nanotechnology and it creates real-world useful benefits for everyone. It is more cost-efficient as compared to silicon and carbon and environment friendly too. One of the latest inventions in Nanotechnology is Graphene. It is single-layer graphite made of carbon atoms combined in millions. Graphene is an allotrope of carbon, which consists of a single atomic layer that is arranged in a two-dimensional hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Properties of Graphene, such as electron mobility, make it a hundred times faster than silicon. Graphene is also ...